Biochar Training Videos
Our biochar training videos show how to make your own biochar oven, and how to use the biochar to benefit your soil with homemade biochar fertilzer.
How to Make a Biochar Machine – TLUD
In “How to Make a Biochar Machine” we show you how to make a basic Top Lit Up Draft biochar machine. Warm Heart have been teaching hundreds of farmers in the Northern Thailand how to make these machines in order to help reduce the smoke produced in the area.
One of the many benefits of using a biochar oven is the end product you create, biochar, which can be made into a powerful natural fertilizer.
One of the many benefits of using a biochar oven is the end product you create, biochar, which can be made into a powerful natural fertilizer.
Making Biochar with a Trench
The simplest, easiest way to make biochar in the field is with the trench method. Watch our video to learn more about making biochar in a trench.
How to Measure Biochar in the Field
Five easy steps to measure biochar in the field.
How to Make Biochar Fertilizer
In “How to Make Biochar Fertilizer” we show you how to make Biochar Fertilizer. This fertilizer can be used to improve soil conditions and yields for farmers. You make biochar fertilizer yourself and it competes well with NPK – except that it’s free. How much to you spend on NPK each year?
Making EM solution
In this video we teach you how to “Make EM solution”. When the solution is ready, you can dilute it just the right amount and spray it on orchard trees, crops, newly turned soil, manure, fertilizer – almost anything. Its rich collection of beneficial microbes will go to work for you right away.
How to Make Biochar Enhanced Compost
This video will show you how to make “Biochar Enhanced Compost”. This compost can be used to improve soil conditions and yields for farmers everywhere. This technique has been specifically designed for farmers in the Northern Thai Region.
Black Carbon and Global Warming
Poor farmers release 25 percent of the world’s total of “black carbon”—clouds of smoke that count as the second-largest warming source after CO2—by burning more than 330,000 gigatons of field wastes every year.
Making biochar from just 25 percent of developing world field waste will annually eliminate at least 82,500 metric tons of black carbon and its climate change warming effects.
Making biochar from just 25 percent of developing world field waste will annually eliminate at least 82,500 metric tons of black carbon and its climate change warming effects.