Education Partnership With Ton Roong
Education stands as an essential requirement for numerous children, yet the capacity of Warm Heart's Children's Homes is limited to 35 kids. This situation raises the question of what becomes of the countless other children trapped in remote mountain villages, devoid of schools and access to learning.
Allow us to introduce you to our esteemed ally in education, Ton Roong School, with which we've formed a strategic partnership. Ton Roong School functions as a government-run boarding primary school, specifically catering to Hill Tribe children. However, its provisions extend only five days a week.
Our wards hail from villages situated too far for them to commute daily, or from families too perilous to return to. This dilemma is met head-on by Warm Heart, as we furnish caregivers, nourishment, and educators during weekends.
Allow us to introduce you to our esteemed ally in education, Ton Roong School, with which we've formed a strategic partnership. Ton Roong School functions as a government-run boarding primary school, specifically catering to Hill Tribe children. However, its provisions extend only five days a week.
Our wards hail from villages situated too far for them to commute daily, or from families too perilous to return to. This dilemma is met head-on by Warm Heart, as we furnish caregivers, nourishment, and educators during weekends.
Through our Partner School Program, we've managed to facilitate schooling for 19 children who would have otherwise been devoid of any educational opportunity.
Regrettably, Ton Roong School operates at only half of its potential capacity, accommodating 150 students out of a possible 300. The reason being that a substantial number reside too distantly to partake in the schooling. Every one of these children is deserving of the chance to receive an education. While not every child can be accommodated at Warm Heart, you have the power to immediately contribute to affording an underprivileged child an education off-campus. However, this is just one part of a multifaceted solution needed. More Solutions Needed Ton Roong School, though a commendable option, exclusively offers primary education up to the sixth grade. Upon graduation of our sponsored children, and if space allows, they may transition to Warm Heart. But, given our present capacity constraints, we find ourselves at full occupancy. Our ultimate objective resides in establishing partnerships with a middle school and a high school, enabling these young minds to perpetuate their educational journey and seize opportunities for success. |
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